Saturday, May 15, 2010

Culver City 3.0 May 15, 2010

Normally a 3.0 earthquake at 4:33am wouldn't be felt---I would be asleep! But as fate would have it, this morning I was just getting in from a late night of fun.

It was just after 4:30 in the morning, I had just hit the bed after getting in from a late night A-Team wrap party thing when this quick jolt hit. It sounded and felt almost exactly like my cat Oscar jumping up onto the bed. In fact, I turned over to see him after I felt the quake. But when there was no Oscar in sight I realized it must have been a quick quake.

It was a very sudden jolt. Like someone kicking my bed or someone slamming the front door hard. Due to the quickness I was sure the epicenter was very nearby---in fact it was just over two miles away. And it was kind of shallow---at 5.2 miles. On the map the red star is where my house is and the blue star was the epicenter.

I got up to survey the pool to look for any wave action, however there was none.